Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Returning to the workforce

As I return back to the cubical workforce, I have seen some “interesting” things. A few notes to those who may be going back to an office setting…

1. First of all, to those who think plucking their chin hairs at their desk is okay…it isn’t. This is why they have bathroom mirrors, or better yet, mirrors at home. Things that make you go…EWWWW!

2. When talking on the phone, please be sure the item you are playing with cannot hurt someone or something. For example a full size football spinning on your fingers may be a little dangerous to your brand new flat screen monitor.

3. The retro 80s outfits and shoes are back. Whenever Molly Ringwald can call you to say she needs her Pretty in Pink boots back, you might think to leave them at home.

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