Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble Gobble

I woke excited to get my hands sticky with turkey.  With my recipe in hand and ingredients at the ready, I practically create a timeline to ensure everything would be done at the precise time.  I was ready to get some turkey cookin on. 

This year, I did something a little different for the family.  Stuffing my turkey with oranges, I got the idea from the lady sitting next to me at my new job.  I took the cheesecloth idea off a randomly watched Martha Stewart Thanksgiving special.  Sometimes the best recipe is a combination.  After a temperature gauge glitch (special note - always read the directions to see if you can put the temperature gauge inside of the oven and close the door *we found out ours could not after the fact*) and a quick trip to the store, we were in business.  Probably the most moist turkey I have ever had! 

I have so much to be thankful for this year but most of all I am blessed to be close to family to share these holidays.  Being away for a year makes you crave your family during the holidays.  May your Thanksgiving  be as great as ours! 

Gobble Gobble

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey pop

The new fad of cake pops have peeked my interest. I saw them online and a few friends showed off their creations. Of course, I figured it couldn’t be too hard, so I tried to make what seemed the hardest…a turkey. If you don’t know what a cake pop is, it is basically cake with icing rolled into a ball on top of a popsicle stick. You can make it in different shapes or cover it in different coatings while attaching fun items.

I have to say for the first time ever, they turned out pretty cute. Next on my list are Christmas snowmen. How I love the holidays and reasons to make sweet treats.