Monday, July 27, 2009

Defying Gravity

On my last day of work, I proudly wore my “Defying Gravity” t-shirt. No one really knew the significance but I did. I truly believe Rob and I are “defying” the norm and living outside the box by doing this. Everything we have done for the past 4 years has been in preparation of this new adventure. It felt so empowering to know others, even if it is just a Broadway show, understood the desire to go against the grain.

To give some background, my Mom gave Rob and I a very thoughtful wedding anniversary gift when we were visiting Jacksonville in May, tickets to the Broadway show Wicked. For those of you that haven’t seen the show, go because it is SO awesome. Basically it shows how Glenda and the Wicked Witch of the West become who they are and why. At one point in the show, the Wicked Witch of the West performs an amazing song explaining how she was “Defying Gravity”. On so many levels she truly was by not only literally flying, but also living outside of the norm, and going against the politics of the current system.

I felt such a connection with the show and the characters, wearing the shirt on my final day gave me strength. I was so sad to leave such a wonderful company and supportive co-workers but I knew this was my next step in the path to our future. It will be challenging, maybe even awkward and scary at times. But as I look ahead, head held high, I am ready to take on any new obstacle with a smile on my face.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Retirement for a lack of a better word

This week is my final week at work. Retirement seems like a strange word to use, resignation just sounds mean, maybe extended vacation from the corporate world? I always assumed I would work until I grew old without breaks but having the opportunity to take off a year has been a refreshing idea. It will give me time to regroup, rethink, and decide our next step as a family… For the ultimate organizer, one who loves pushing paper, creating manuals, analyzing stats, and all those funny corporate world things, it should be interesting to see how I cope as a house wife. I am sure after a few months of excitement the newness will wear off and boredom will set in, but until then, I am ready!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Note to self

Not to self and anyone else out there...

ALWAYS check the cake before leaving the bakery to make sure the name is correct.

Poor Brittany was renamed "Birthday" on her cake. I have to laugh is pretty funny.

Family gathering

It is always fun to see family, reminisce about the good times, see the new additions to the family, watch the little ones scamper around, be excited about the new ones coming and most of all to just be chill. This weekend was one of those weekends. Thank you to all of those out there that made it a fun and relaxing one this weekend.